Introduction - Amateur radio stations have been used on boats for more than a hundred years. Water can be a better antenna location than land, and particularly so for highly conductive salt water. There is an issue of connecting between the radio ground and the water itself. In the case of salt water, it is usually adequate to have a small metal plate in contact with the water. Fresh water is a different situation, since if pure enough, is a non-conductor of electricity. See [Note 1] for discussion fo HF boat antennas.
I have operated W7PUA from several different boats, all of which had an extensive ground system. The antennas have been used at a variety of frequencies in the HF spectrum, but the more challenging, technically, are the lower frequencies, such as 75-meters. The antenna has always consisted of a vertical conductor of 14 to 20 ft length with a loading coil as far above the bottom as can be reached. This has always worked well enough, even in fresh water, to not be given much thought to how it all works. But, then, in the summer of 2023, we acquired a 22-ft C-Dory which has limited opportunity to build a ground system into the bottom. Much of the bottom is covered with plastic foam filler. I first tried a ground on the middle 7-ft of the floor, that was accessible. It had a layer of fiberglass between the ground tape and the water and was limited in size to about 2 x 6 feet. The tape was not solid at all, but the behavior of RF fields makes this less important. The receiving performance was adequate, but nobody could hear the transmitter at lower frequencies like 75-meters!
On to getting a ground system that works - There is a lot of wiring in the boat, including ground wires. In addition, the outboard motors have aluminum frames that are in the water. Importantly, there are two stainless steel 9 x 12 inch trim tabs. These are under water and are protected against DC current galvanic erosion by protective anodes bolted under the plates. All metal surfaces are bonded together by heavy wires when the boat is built. So, I fastened a #12 stranded wire to the closest trim tab using the extension of the bolt holding the anode. This is referred to as the "boat ground" in the following discussion.
The boat ground seemed to work and then not. It was later found that there was sometimes arcing in the mount for the loading coil that invalidated some of the antenna measurements. But, even before the arcing it did not seem to be transmitting well when the boat was in fresh water. This raised a question of how a ground system really works in fresh water and what is needed to make it transmit with reasonable efficiency. The strange behaviour due to the unknown arcing, at higher power, made the fresh water antenna seem more complex and inspired further investigation, that turned out to be an interesting and useful endeavour.
It seemed to be time to be more analytical about our antenna. What does water look like to our RF waves? A quick reading of the literature tells us that pure non-ionized water is an insulator since without added ions, there is no separation of the molecules and therefore no movement of ions or electrons. Additionally, water has a very high dielectric constant of about 78. This is the result of the H2O molecule being electrically asymmetrical with the ability to align the molecules to an applied electric field. Most plastics have dielectric constants in the 2 to 5 range, so 78 suggests quite a different kind of material. Remember that this dielectric constant means that if we build a parallel plate 100 pF capacitor in air it will show a capacity of 7800 pf when placed in water.
This is a fine bit of knowledge, but water never comes non-ionized. It comes with a variety of non-water materials, with an extreme being the salt water of the oceans. So, I gathered some Bi-Mart distilled water, some Fern Ridge fresh water, some Toledo Oregon part-Ocean water and also created some saturated salt water by adding table salt to some Bi-Mart water. This was then measured with an RF network analyzer over a frequency range of 1 to 30 MHz. The details of the measurement is in Appendix A, below. The results are summarized in Figures 2 and 3.On land we put out radial wires for ground systems. On a boat this is impractical. The high dielectric constant of water, as seen in Figure 3, suggested we could treat the ground system as a big capacitor, and bigger was better. In addition any part of our ground system inside the boat had a fiberglass capacitor in series with it. So when I found a roll of bronze screen 2-ft wide and 8-ft long it looked like one side of a capacitor. This was arranged to be dropped into the water next to the boat with about half of the screen on the bottom. Appendix B has more information on the screen ground.
Initial measurements at 75-m were encouraging. The loading coil needed to be around 50 uH and the resonance was reasonably sharp. The feed point, 3-ft above the water, was around 40-Ohms. This suggested reasonable losses due to the ground system and the loading coil. Most importantly, the 100-Watt radio was able to talk to other stations! A side benefit was that tuning was not affected by the rocking of the boat.
Performance measured by WSPR - . Receiving HF signals on a boat usually works well when not in a marina and when motors and the electronics are shut down. The flat water brings in signals well, especially at lower angles of radiation. Transmitting HF signals can be a different story. Short (compared to a quarter wavelength) verticals have several loss elements that reduce the radiation efficiency. Loading coil losses are part of this, but the big one is power lost between the radio ground and the Earth ground. Thus, the performance evaluation is best done by having the the boat transmitting and shore stations receiving. One fine way to do this is to transmit a WSPR signal and gather reception reports from the internet. The receiving stations report signal-to-noise ratio in dB and so we can change the transmitting antenna and find out how the signal has changed. This assumes that the receiving noise is not changing which is often a valid assumption.
So, W7GLF, W7SZ and W7CQ helped out by putting on 80-meter WSPR receivers in the daytime range of the boat and there were several more that were running receivers already. With the boat in fresh water at Fern Ridge Reservoir, I transmitted for 4 or 5 2-minute transmissions using the screen ground and then would switch to the boat ground via the trim tab and transmit some more. This was done during the day and also at night. At night time there were more reports due to the lack of D-layer absorption in the ionosphere.
The reports can be easily downloaded from this web site. If one specifies our own transmitting call, all receptions can be acquired at once. I copied the results and pasted them into a spread sheet (see Appendix C). Sorting on the reporter call sign gives a picture of which receiving stations produced full, or nearly full, report sets. An a priori list of stations was put together, meaning that the stations included in the study were chosen without looking at the S/N values. For each of the selected stations I then averaged the dB S/N for both ground systems separately and took the difference. Averaging of dB's is not the same as averaging powers, but is simpler and probably a valid measure when the difference are not too great.
Not being sure if there could be distance related results, the S/N differences were plotted against the distance to the reporting station, as shown in Figure 5. Looking at the results showed that there were times when either of the two ground systems produced the strongest signals. But, looking across both the day and night-time results, a clear preference for the ground screen is seen. The exact value is not important, but to the eye it is 2 or 3 dB.
What does not show in the WSPR data is that when using the boat ground system in fresh water, the tuning of the antenna is effected by motion of the boat. Walking from the port to starboard side can change the tuning by 10's of kHz at 75-meters. This is not seen in salt water and not seen with the ground screen. In addition, when receiving, electronics generated noises are noticeably stronger when using the boat ground.
So I conclude that either the boat ground system or the screen ground is usable in fresh water, but if it is practical to put down the ground screen, it is preferred.
Thank you to the 8:30 Guys and to W7XV and the folks at the Great Northern Boaters Net for helpful discussions and signal reports.
Issued 29 July 2024 - All Copyright © Robert Larkin 2024
Corrected missing Figure 5 - 2 August 2024
An important part of coming
up with an effective ground system is to
characterise real water with some measurements. After a false start or two, I found
that my collection of electronic stuff included a General Radio 10cm Open Circuit.
The "pure" water that was readily available was Bi-Mart's gallon jugs of Distilled Water.
These are not processed to be "ion-free" but gave results close to that expected for pure H2O.
The Smith chart from the network analyzer is for the distilled water.
Next I added table salt until it was saturated with a few grains still lying on the bottom. At 4 MHz, this measure 0.61 Ohm in series with some very small reactance, too small to measure. This translates to just a resistor of 0.61 Ohms. This serves as a reference point for extreme salt water. Lake water was taken from Fern Ridge Reservoir and water from the Yaquina River at Toledo, Oregon completed the range of water that the boat should encounter.
A couple of words on the calculations. A common set of parameters describing a bulk dielectric material, including water, is Dielectric Constant and Volume Resistivity (see notes 3 and 4). For our experiments, the Dielectric Constant is found by calculating the capacity of the part of the measurement line that will be placed into the water. Knowing that we have an air supported 50-Ohm transmission line allows us to calculate the capacity of our 62 mm line as [Note 2] 3333*(62/(50*1000))=4.13 pF plus fringing capacity of about 0.15 pF. This means, in air, we have 4.3 pF. The network analyzer shows the capacitive reactance with distilled water to be 115 Ohms. This translates to a 346 pF capacity from which we can calculate the Dielectric Constant as 346/4.3 = 80.5.
The Volume Resistivity is found by translating the network analyzer series impedance into an equivalent parallel resistor and capacitor using complex number division. Our distilled water ends up being a 346 pF capacitor in parallel with Rp, a 13.7K Ohm resistor. This resistance can be thought of as many thin sleeve resistors in series between the inner conductor and the outer conductor. We let these sleeves go to zero thickness by integration and get a formula, that includes our particular test cell geometry, VR = 0.4667 * Rp. For the distilled water at 4 MHz, this is 6400 Ohm-meter.
APPENDIX B - Ground screens - Several systems of getting a capacitve connection through the fresh water were tried. One option that I had was an 8-ft roll of bronze door screen, 2-ft wide. This was left over from grounding screens for the wooden boats mentioned in the introduction. I soldered copper tape across one end and bolted that end to a polycarbonate bar, cut to 2-ft. A # 12 stranded wire was also soldered on at the middle of the tape. The other end was bolted to a PVC pipe, suitable for rolling the screen up when not being used. The regular Fern Ridge marina slip for the boat has about 7-ft of water depth. This puts about half of the screen on the lake bottom and half coming up. The stranded wire connection point is several feet below the surface.
Modelling the ground system could be very useful. This might be worked with some version of the NEC antenna program. The screen could be looked upon, very roughly, as a parallel plate capacitor 0.6 by 2.4 meters in sized spaced away from the "actual" ground. Just how to include the spreading of the field lines as they go down and what spacings to use are all questions. To get an order of magnitude, if there was no spreading of the field lines and a perfect ground was one meter away, the capacity would be 8.854*78*0.6*2.4 or about 1000 pF. This would have a reactance at 3.8 MHz of about 42 Ohms. The shunt resistance in lake water would be, from figure 2 above, about 200/(0.6 * 2.4) or about 140 Ohms. That value, in parallel with the 42 Ohm reactance would be one major cause of power loss.
Another model would be to make the screen a transmission line. That starts to make sense when you take into account the slowing of RF waves in water. They travel at 1/sqrt(78) or about 11% the speed that occurs in air. Our 8-ft screen is now acting like it is 70 feet long. This all seems interesting, but needs further investigation before conclusions can be drawn.
The screen I used was of a fine mesh that would keep a flying insect on the correct side. We know that this would work well for RF purposes with larger mesh holes. I do not know how far this can go before the efffective capacity diminishes. The previous home-built boats had many places where it was a foot or so between pieces of copper tape. At 3.8 MHz this is still a small part of a wave length. The electric field lines tend to bend to arrive at the metal, rather than going through and maybe returning outside. Hardware cloth is available in a variety of mesh sizes and guages. It might be useful in putting together a ground system.
NIGHT 3570 kHz WSPR BOAT GROUND Date Time Transmit S/N Receive Grid Dist km Brg Ground 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -1 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -15 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -8 K7NOJ CN85so 184 21 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -9 N1SRC DN23ai 594 95 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -16 W0AY DN26 699 65 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -4 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -25 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -16 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -9 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -27 KF6ZEO CM87sr 708 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -16 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -17 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -23 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -2 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -18 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -7 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -17 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -17 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -22 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -3 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -9 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -26 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -14 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -13 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -18 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -13 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:36 W7PUA/M -16 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -15 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M 0 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -5 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -2 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -25 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -9 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -2 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -19 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -14 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -14 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -17 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -18 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -16 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -13 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -17 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -22 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -6 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -11 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -21 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -13 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -18 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -4 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:34 W7PUA/M -14 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -14 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -17 W0AY DN26 699 65 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -2 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -34 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -20 KC7PBF CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -8 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -19 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -16 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -16 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M 0 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -22 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -17 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -23 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -15 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -19 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -1 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -27 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -7 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -22 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -18 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -21 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -10 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -13 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:28 W7PUA/M -16 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -6 WI6P CN87oh 363 6 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -5 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -18 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -2 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M 0 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -12 N1SRC DN23ai 594 95 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -19 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -26 KF6ZEO CM87sr 708 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -9 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -15 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -18 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M 1 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -13 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -23 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -15 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -15 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -4 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -25 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -19 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -9 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -7 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -15 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -17 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -11 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -15 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Boat 2024-Jul-12 4:22 W7PUA/M -15 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Boat NIGHT 3570 kHz WSPR SCREEN GROUND Date Time Transmit S/N Receive Grid Dist km Brg Ground 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -13 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -25 WA5DJJ DM62ph 1944 127 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -18 K7LNA DN18qb 680 47 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -15 K7NOJ CN85so 184 21 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -12 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -26 K5TR EM00uf 2680 117 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -24 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -17 KK7IXU CN88no 506 3 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -6 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -16 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -2 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -9 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -9 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -23 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -23 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -14 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -4 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -14 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -17 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -19 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -4 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -17 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -5 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -16 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -15 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -12 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:18 W7PUA/M -9 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -17 K7LNA DN18qb 680 47 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -14 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -24 WA5DJJ DM62ph 1944 127 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -7 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -16 W0AY DN26 699 65 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -14 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -21 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -17 KK7IXU CN88no 506 3 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M 2 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -6 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -16 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -9 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -10 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -10 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -15 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -20 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -3 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -11 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -21 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -16 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -20 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -7 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -18 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M 1 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -11 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -11 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -14 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -19 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:14 W7PUA/M -9 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -18 WB6JHI CM97af 768 171 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -13 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -26 WA5DJJ DM62ph 1944 127 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -2 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -8 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -20 KK7IXU CN88no 506 3 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -24 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -16 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -6 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -12 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -16 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -5 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M 4 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -22 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -11 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -15 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -17 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -14 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -4 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -11 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -21 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -19 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -4 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -12 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -13 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -20 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -16 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:10 W7PUA/M -11 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -14 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -3 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -2 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -10 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -24 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -13 W0AY DN26 699 65 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -15 KK7IXU CN88no 506 3 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -2 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -15 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -16 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -10 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -21 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -6 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -10 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -28 KF6ZEO CM87sr 708 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -14 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -12 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -3 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -16 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -21 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -16 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -4 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -8 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -13 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -18 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -17 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -18 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -12 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:06 W7PUA/M -10 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -14 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -1 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -3 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -5 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -22 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -12 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -15 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M 1 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -5 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -22 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -12 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -17 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -11 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -16 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -13 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -22 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -15 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -4 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -21 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -2 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -9 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -20 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -14 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -15 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -13 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 5:00 W7PUA/M -11 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -21 WB6JHI CM97af 768 171 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -14 N7KJW DM34sl 1414 135 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -12 K7LNA DN18qb 680 47 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -3 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -2 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -14 W0AY DN26 699 65 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -9 N1SRC DN23ai 594 95 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -24 N7VVX DN40bw 997 106 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -7 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -26 KC7PBF CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -5 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -16 K6FOD DM04wc 1193 156 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -12 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -14 KJ6MKIQ CM88oi 636 176 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -1 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -18 KFS/SW CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -15 KA&OEI9 DN40ao 1007 109 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -22 N6GN/K DN70jo 1532 98 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -12 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -16 K6PZB CM88nk 626 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -13 KA7OEIQ DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -6 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -22 KA9Q DM12ju 1353 155 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -13 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -4 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -30 KF6ZEO CM87sr 708 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -20 N6GN2 DN70ll 1550 99 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -19 KP4MD CM98iq 620 164 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -4 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -18 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -12 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Screen 2024-Jul-12 4:58 W7PUA/M -10 WB7ABP/ CM88ok 627 176 Screen DAY 3570 kHz WSPR BOAT GROUND Date Time Transmit S/N Receive Grid Dist km Brg Ground 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -18 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M 6 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M 10 K7UCY/V CN85nq 184 10 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -7 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -27 VE6JY DO33or 1318 32 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -32 KFS/OMN CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -16 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -8 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -29 KFS/K CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -21 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -16 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -24 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:38 W7PUA/M -29 KFS CM87tj 745 174 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -18 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -7 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M 6 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -16 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -20 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -25 VE6JY DO33or 1318 32 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -12 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -15 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:36 W7PUA/M -26 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -19 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M 6 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M 11 K7UCY/V CN85nq 184 10 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -9 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -16 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -13 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -17 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -15 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:34 W7PUA/M -27 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M 6 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M -9 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M 11 K7UCY/V CN85nq 184 10 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M -15 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M -9 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M -21 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M -23 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:30 W7PUA/M -28 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M -16 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M -6 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M 6 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M -13 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M -13 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M -15 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Boat 2024-Jul-12 16:26 W7PUA/M -29 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Boat DAY 3570 kHz WSPR SCREEN GROUND Date Time Transmit S/N Receive Grid Dist km Brg Ground 2024-Jul-12 16:10 W7PUA/M 7 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:10 W7PUA/M -13 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:10 W7PUA/M -6 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:10 W7PUA/M -20 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:10 W7PUA/M -20 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:10 W7PUA/M -24 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M 7 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -3 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -18 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -27 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -15 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -5 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -17 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -23 VE6JY DO33or 1318 32 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -20 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -24 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:14 W7PUA/M -30 KA7OEI1 DN31uo 937 103 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -5 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M 7 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -26 W7PUA CN84jq 70 5 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -14 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -7 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -22 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -21 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -26 ND7M DM16xf 1066 142 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:18 W7PUA/M -25 VE6JY DO33or 1318 32 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -4 W7OWO CN85lh 140 8 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M 7 W7CQ CN83jx 11 144 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -16 W7GLF CN87vr 416 11 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -5 W7SZ CN85 159 7 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -4 N4RVE CN88kn 501 1 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -18 KPH CM88mc 663 177 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -20 KB7GF DN06ta 443 59 Screen 2024-Jul-12 16:22 W7PUA/M -23 W7WKR-1 CN98pi 517 22 Screen