This section is part of the DSP-10 User's Manual, Chapter 1 - Transceiver Operation

Software Loading OLD

This has been replaced by a new page HERE

Before attempting to load the software, be sure that all hardware connections are proper.The following outlines
the process for loading the DSP-10 software into both the EZ-Kit Lite DSP and the PC.

The UHF380A.ZIP is the distribution file for the version 3.80 of the DSP-10 PC software. This file unzips to the following files:

UHFA.EXE      The PC DOS executable control program.
GNU_GPL.TXT The software license. Required in directory.
EGAVGA.BGI Graphics driver required by UHFA.EXE. Required in directory.
UHFA_43A.RND Random number table used with several of the weak-signal modes.
UHELP_1.TXT Help screens for F1 display
UHFA.CFG Configuration file with default values.
README38.TXT Short description of the file contents

True DOS
- First, you MUST operate the PC in "true" DOS, not the DOS window that is available in Windows 95 and later operating systems. If your PC comes up running Windows you will need to Shut Down WINDOWS AND REBOOT DIRECTLY TO DOS. You may make a BOOT disk while running WINDOWS and use this to BOOT from a Floppy drive to the DOS prompt or alternately use F-8 while the COMPUTER is booting to interupt the normal BOOT sequence and select the BOOT to DOS Prompt. If this is not done Windows will indicate great amounts of distress over the direct interaction with the serial-port hardware interrupts, and will not allow communication on the serial port.

Loading the Configuration File - If you already have an operating DSP-10, the update consists of replacing the existing UHFA.EXE file in your PC with a new one. If you are not familiar with this operation under DOS, look up the COPY command. The configuration file UHFA.CFG will automatically be updated to include the new configuration variables, and their default values, the first time that UHFA.EXE is run. This will pick up any customized settings that applied when you were running an earlier version.

Updating Version 3.5 to Version 3.80 - The UHFA.EXE file and UHF3.EXE file, will need to be replaced to use the new features.

To check the versions of UHF3.EXE and UHFA.EXE while the DSP-10 is running, use the Scrl-F3 command to bring up bottom line type 2. This is mostly a "hex dump" of status bytes. The UHF3.EXE DSP program has its version in the first hex value on the left. It should be "32" (still in hex). The UHFA.EXE PC program version is shown on the right side of the line. The right side should show 3.80 after updating the UHFA.EXE.

Summarizing UHF3.EXE is now 3.2, and UHFA.EXE is now 3.80

Therefore, installation consists of making sure that the proper versions of files are in the DSP-10 directory. This directory may need to be on a hard drive if you are using EZFAST to load the DSP, because of problems with slow transfer rates of some floppy systems. Alternatively, EZFAST can use slower speed options to accomodate the floppy read rate.

Manually loading the software - You need to have installed the EZKIT-Lite Monitor program that came with the DSP board. It runs under Windows for some reason. As an alternative you can use Dwight Elvey's EZFAST.COM. This is a neat little loader/terminal program available from that runs under DOS directly. The latter program is low-cost shareware. The loading process will be given for each of these loaders:


1- Load windows, 3.1 or Windows 95/98 as you may be using.
2- Double-click on "EZ-Kit Lite Monitor" Icon
3- Select the menu "Loading" and the item "Download User Program and Go..."
4- Find the file "UHF3.EXE" in the file dialog box (careful---NOT UHFA.EXE)
(the file extension set up by Analog Devices for the DSP programs is
indeed .EXE, but these are not DOS executable files.)
5- Select this file and Click on "OK"
6- Close the dialog box and Exit Windows
7- Boot the computer in DOS
8- From DOS, load and execute UHFA by typing UHFA c
where c is the COM port used to connect to the EZ-KIT Lite (1,2,3 or 4.)


1- Load the DSP program with the DOS command
2- Execute the PC control program with the DOS command

where c is the COM port 1, 2, 3 or 4. A drive and directory prefix is needed, of course, if you are not in that directory.

To check the versions of UHF3.EXE and UHFA.EXE while the DSP-10 is running, use the Scrl-F3 command to bring up bottom line type 2. This has mostly a "hex dump" of status bytes. The UHF3.EXE DSP program has its version in the first hex value on the left. It should be "32" (still in hex). The UHFA.EXE PC program version is shown on the right side of the line.

Important Note: Loading UHF3.EXE requires either the Analog Devices Windows loader or the new version of EZFAST from Dwight Elvey. The latter can be identified by its file size of 14237 if there is a question.

The files required to operate the DSP10 are relatively small, and it is practical to operate from a 3-1/2 floppy disk. This has the convenience of making installation as simple as inserting a disk. In addition, any files created, such as screen saves of the front panel (not presently available) will end up on the same floppy disk and not cluttering up your hard drive. The only exception to this is if long data saves---such as 15 minutes or more---are anticipated (see Alt F command below). In this case it would be desirable to transfer the files to a hard drive to give more room for the data file. The following files should be in the current DOS directory, either on the floppy of the hard drive:

 DSP.BAT       Optional, see the automating discussion
UHELP_1.TXT Help file for F1 (new)
GNU_GPL.TXT License for the software

UHF3.EXE The DSP program
UHFA.EXE The PC program
EGAVGA.BGI Graphics driver
UHFA.CFG Configuration file for the PC program
UHFA_43A.RND Used by LTI, EME2 etc, for random stir
After running and creating memories or using
the "DOS Visit" there will be additional files
created in this directory.

Automating the Boot and Load Sequence

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